2021 – 1st Quarter Update

'Looking Back on 2020
This year has overflowed with the unexpected. There have been unexpected twists, limitations, and challenges. We've been unable to visit the kids or schedule any fundraisers or bead sales. The kids haven't attended school since mid-March. Our staff has worked extended hours without time off. Families and the elderly in our community were experiencing food shortages and hunger.
But what could have been poor outcomes, God has used for unexpected good. Amidst all the struggles that COVID has brought, we have been surprised with countless unexpected gifts. Because of you, the ministry continues to flourish. You have ensured that the children have had their needs met and that our staff received their salaries on time, along with a small bonus for their dedication and long hours. You have provided food to the families of our staff and the extended families of our children. You have also distributed food to the families of the local school and to the elderly widows. You even made it possible for the children to have a small Christmas celebration and gift.
Throughout this unusual year, while you have continued to show up, the children have continued to thrive. On behalf of all of us at Kenya's Kidz and Namayiana Children's Home, thank you for being with us through this unexpected year. Thank you for showing up in unexpected ways, and thank you for the unexpected blessings you've poured on us, the children, and the community to experience God's unfailing love and provision.
I've been traveling to Namayiana Children's Home since 2015. As I've watched these precious children grow up, I continue to marvel at their resilience. Each time I visit, more of their stories unfold, and I can only listen in amazement, wondering how these kids make it through each day given the staggering pain and loss in their pasts. The children of Namayiana have experienced hunger. They've seen their parents or family members die. They've witnessed horrific events. When they should have been starting school and focusing on making friends, learning, and having fun, they instead became the sole caregiver of siblings or sick family members. They faced the pain of deep rejection when their family members couldn't care for them and forced them out. They go to sleep each night wondering about the whereabouts and well-being of their siblings who are not at Namayiana. Most of us can't even begin to comprehend the hardships they've faced.
And yet, amazingly, the Namayiana children are OK. They certainly have their struggles, but overall, the kids are happy and comfortable. They go to school and work hard to have a future they want. They go to church on Sundays and some have joined the choir. Others participate in the school's Scouts program. Still others have joined the school's soccer team. They have friends and hobbies. They get invited to community parties and social events. They take pride in Namayiana and work to keep the buildings and grounds clean. Most importantly, they love and support one another and are always eager to lend a helping hand. I?m so inspired by these children and the way they give to others, despite the hardships in their pasts. Watching them is what keeps me going back!
-Meghan Buckwalter
Every child deserves a loving, nurturing environment. Sponsors are the lifeline of Namayiana Children's Home and ensure that we are able to maintain our high standards to provide each child with good nutrition, clothing, education, medical care, and a loving environment. For a child who has been abandoned, abused, and unloved, a sponsor sends the message that someone a world away cares and believes in them. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to those of you who are currently sponsoring a Namayiana child.
Please know that your sponsorship is life-changing for your child. Would you consider making a difference by sponsoring a child?For $40 a month, a sponsor ensures that a child's needs are met. For more information, go to KenyasKidz.org or contact us at gloria@kenyaskidz.org.
International travel is starting to open up, and we anticipate traveling to Kenya this summer and would love to share our journey with you. Are you interested in a life-changing adventure? Would you like to meet your sponsored child? Most trips are for two weeks, although longer trips visits can be arranged. A variety of opportunities are available depending on your interests and skills. Of course, loving and having fun with the children is a must!
The children and people we serve are always blessed by our time and efforts, but our experience has proved time and again, that we are the ones who are the more richly blessed, going away with fuller hearts, open minds, and new passions. To step out of your comfort zone for a life changing experience, contact us at gloria@kenyaskidz.org.
This time 8 years ago, we started building the structure that has become Namayiana Children's Home. In looking back at the last 8 years, it's amazing to see how much has grown and changed, largely because of your generosity.
- Our first 5 kids (Regina, Penina, Julius, Isaac, and Teresia) were taken in even before our building was complete. We are now at capacity with 30 children, ranging in age from 5 to 16.
- The first building housed both the boys and girls, as well as the staff. Since then, we have built and expanded the boys' and staff quarters, added to the outdoor kitchen, constructed a playground, cow enclosure, green house and storage building, as well as drilled a well.
- 41 people have traveled with us to Kenya, 12 of whom were children and teenagers. Our teams have laid concrete, painted inside and outside the buildings, made countless repairs, provided teacher in-service and women's Bible studies, visited elderly widows with gifts of food, played hours of futbol (soccer), built a library, and the list goes on.
- In 2014 we started our annual birthday and Christmas parties, distributing approximately 300 gifts to the kids over the years. In the past eight years, we have seen God work in amazing ways. The children are growing and thriving. We hope you will continue to share the journey as we see what the next eight years have in store.
Kenya's Kidz strives to be a financially transparent organization. We are honored that you have chosen to partner with us with your generosity and support, and want ensure that we are good stewards of the resources that you have entrusted us with. Kenya's Kidz is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, EIN# 27-5574450.
We survived 2020 with your help. 2021 is presenting a new set of challenges. School is starting back up (see below), which also means that our monthly expenses will significantly increase with the reinstatement of school fees and tuition. Our fundraising opportunities, however, continue to be severely restricted. Would you consider making a one-time donation or monthly commitment to ensure that we can continue to maintain our high standards of care?Donations can be made at KenyasKidz.org or sent to the address on the front . Thank you!
While Kenya continues to report new cases and deaths of COVID, they are certainly flattening their curve. The lower numbers in Africa as compared to the rest of the world have surprised researchers. The possible explanations include various theories: only a small percentage of the population get tested and seek medical attention, the general population is much younger and thus more resilient, the people spend much of their time outdoors, and they might have more natural immunity. Regardless, our village has remained COVID free.
The kids returned to school in January after not attending school since last March. All students are repeating the grade they left last year. They are so excited to return to their classrooms and friends! Hopefully the school year will continue without interruptions.