The Journey Begins
Scott and Gloria travel to villages and schools with HEART (Health Education Africa Resource Team) teaching in schools and villages about HIV/AIDS prevention and the diseases killing the population. They visit several orphanages, where many of the children have lost their parents to AIDS, and fell in love with the children.

2005 - 2006
Work with HEART and Village Care International
The Schartons spend much of their time in the village setting, conducting education and health assessments, trying to understand the challenges through the eyes of the villager, not the American. They continue to find that orphans abound in these communities. The orphan crisis permeates the Kenyan landscape, and their passion for the children grows.

2007 - 2010
Annual treks to Kenya
Wherever they go, the Schartons find children in all conditions – sick, abandoned, HIV+, orphaned, impoverished, homeless, unloved, insignificant – and they observe the good, bad, and ugly sides of orphanages. Their goal is to help the children’s homes, schools, and community centers in the Kisumu area that support orphaned and at-risk children, to keep them healthy, safe, and in school.

Kenya’s Kidz (501(c)3) Created
Their mission focuses on empowering orphans and vulnerable children to thrive and reach their highest potential.
Partnering with Wilder Elementary, the school where Gloria teaches, the students raise enough money to drill a well for the Salem community in Kisumu.

“Well Done” Project
The “Well Done” fundraiser is launched to drill an onsite well to benefit Namayiana and Ronesa Academy, the school where our children attend. This joint effort with our Colorado friend, Julie, Ronesa’s sponsor, brings a huge blessing.

2012 - 2013
Namayiana Children’s Home is Started
The Schartons are introduced to a Maasai community to explore the opportunity to build a children’s home. They agree to partner with them, and so Namayiana Children’s Home, meaning “The Blessed” in the Maa language, is formed. Within six months the home is built, and the first seven children move in.

Namayiana Continues to Grow
A greenhouse and playground are added, as well as solar lights and a dairy cow. The kids experience their first swim party! More kids come to call Namayiana their home.

Namayiana Grows
A separate building for the boys and male staff is added. The children and livestock grow in number. The first annual birthday party for all the children is held.

A Banner Year at Namayiana
So many happenings for the kids! Two brothers receive surgery to correct a birth defect, two students begin high school, and three siblings are transferred to a special needs school. A new wing is added for the boys. The children now number 30.
" A person's a person,
no matter how small."
- Dr. Seuss -