2020 – 1st Quarter Update

COVID-19 in Kenya
Many of you have asked how our kids are doing in Kenya and how the population in general is faring with the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for asking. While our remote location has often felt like a curse, it's been more of a blessing during this time. Being located far from the city, we are fairly well insulated from the disease.
Schools were closed several weeks ago, and all our children are safe at Namayiana, along with our staff who live onsite. So far we haven?t been impacted by any shortages, food or otherwise, and we pray this continues to be the case. The virus has just arrived on the African continent, so it remains to be seen what the future holds.
Our greatest concern is that if the disease is not contained, it will spread unchecked given the high density of people in the cities, especially in the slums. Kenya's health care system is grossly understaffed and under-resourced, so the impact could be devastating. Even in this situation, our children should be safe as long as we can continue to provide food and supplies, but of course we may not be able to travel to Kenya anytime soon.
Between social distancing and the stay-at-home order, many of our fundraising events have been canceled. While we are making every effort to reduce expenses, we need your help in order to continue to meet the needs of the children and pay our staff.
Would you consider giving to our general fund during this time? Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made on our website or mailed to the address to the left. See the information about the CARESAct at the end of this update.