Namayiana Children's Home
Assuring each child education and health care.
Ensuring that every child has the resources to make their dreams come true.
Livestock, a greenhouse, and water -- providing opportunities to sustain themselves.
"Children are likely to live up to
what you believe of them."
- Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady of the United States -

The Children
Most of the children have come to us because they have lost one or both of their parents due to disease or abandonment and were not being adequately cared for by family or community members. Many children had not been able to attend school because of working to help support the household, fetching water, looking after goats and cows, caring for young er siblings, lack of school fees and/or school uniforms, and lack of food, to name a few. At Namayiana, children have their basic needs met so they can focus on their school work as well as feel part of a loving family.

Namayiana Children's Home
Namayiana Children’s Home was founded in 2012, located in a remote Maasai community in the southwestern Rift Valley region outside Ngong, about an hour from Nairobi.
The home was born when it was apparent that there were many children within the community whose basic needs were not being met, not to mention not attending school. The name was chosen for its Maasai meaning, “the blessed,” where the children are truly blessed to live in a safe and loving home with nutritious meals, health care, an education, and psychological support. Every effort is made to create a nurturing environment in which the children can thrive and achieve their highest potential.
The strategies in place to meet our mission goals and achieve sustainability are threefold:

The Families
We recognize the importance for the children to maintain ties with their extended families and communities. Opportunities are created throughout the year for children to visit their families to renew family bonds and preserve their community connections.